Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Planning Time Frame

                                                         The Planning Time Frame

Today's topic is the planning time frame. This is a general time frame we will be talking about.
The time frame is consider to begin once the client signs the contract, and ends once the client has a successful event.

Questions I would ask my client

1. What kind of event,birthday party, class reunion, wedding?  Weddings and class reunions usually take a good year to get everything  and everyone together. Birthday can be plan on much shorter notice unless if you are having out of town guests.

2.  When will event be held?
      This will also determine the cost. weekends and summer months are more expensive to have events in hotels, days and winter events can be a little bit more affordable.

3. Where will event be held?
     If client has no idea I might offer some suggestions

4 How many people are expected to attend?
    This will also determine the venue and the budget.

5. Is this a catered event?
    I would ask if anyone has any food allergies, if religious event what special requirements.

6.Who is attending what do they have in common?
   Is it a childs birthday party  or senior citizens, that will help determine the venue and the type of food and entertainment.

7. Will there be guest speakers?
     If there is presenters who is in charge of scheduling them.

8. Is this a private event or will tickets be sold?
    If public event I would make sure the word gets out with the media

9. Is this an overnight event?
     I would need to find out about hotel reservations and how many rooms are needed., also transportation issues

10 What is the event budget?
      That will determine the venue food costs and possibly how many people will be able to attend.

Remember this is just general questions for all types of events.
Tomorrow I will go over starting the 6 month before time frame
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