Monday, March 18, 2013

Week Long Series On How To Plan Any Event

Today March 18,2013 is the of a week long series on how to plan any event
Today we will start with  1st thing is to pick a date for your event
The most obvious is depending on what type of event obviously if it was  a picnic it will be spring or summer, holiday parties around whatever holiday you are planning. What about those event  such as spa party, theme party, scavenger hunt, casino night Hollywood party, Weddings theses can be planed through out the year. Also you must take into consideration the climate where you live.Is the event going to be an indoor or outdoor event that will also depend on when you want to have event.
Once the date is set then we can start figuring out THE BUDGET (Ouch)
You the client must set your priorities, the event coordinator can help you cut some cost but in the end it is up to the client what they really need and want.
The event coordinator will sit down with the client and whoever is paying for the event  such as wedding the bride might want a fancy venue with all the works but the brides parent are paying and can only afford  a smaller venue . In which case the event coordinator will sit down with both the bride and her parents and work out a comprise. If fancy venue then we need to cut cost in other areas.
The most expensive thing is usually going to be finding a venue and the ,most important thing.
Wedding Dress
Wedding Rings
Party Favor
Bar cash bar or not
Door Prizes
Misc. expanses
Remember this is a general guideline for all different events I would it down with you  in a free consultation and go in detail on what your priorities are and where we would need to cut cost

Also when picking out a venue remember the time of year, day of week and time of day also are cost factors to consider.
Please feel free to call me for a free consultation
Anne 719-570-0761 or email me  @

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