Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let's Talk About Invitations

There is alot more to invitations then what is realize .

1. Get the guest list

2. Are you doing email only invitations?
     If so  make sure you follow up with last minute reminders and updates.
     Also follow up with phone calls
     Email invites are the most cost effective

3.  Printed invitations are for more intimate private events such as birthdays,weddings etc.

      There is a wide variety of  different types of paper and fonts you can use.

       Heavier paper will cost more and folded invitations will cost more.
        Make sure to order extra to allow for mistakes

        Make sure invitation sets the mood for the event.

4.    There are many places to order invitations such as stationery stores or online

5.     Remember to have the vital information
        The purpose of the event
         Who is hosting the event
         When the event is to be held and where the events to be held

6.    Remember to include
       Name of host
       Start & end time
       Directions/map to the venue
       Parking information
       Accommodation information if relevant
       Rain date and location if outdoor event and weather is bad
       Appropriate dress
        How to respond and date to respond by

7.    For big events invitations should be mailed out no later then 6 weeks before event


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