Friday, March 22, 2013

Finding The Right Cake

Once Again There Is So Many Varieties Of Cake

The cake should complement the overall style of the event.
Of course the size of cake will depend on the number of guest.

Then the flavor of the cake
Then  the filling
Then the icing

There are many flavors of cakes here are some chocolate, vanilla,marble,poppy,lemon,hazelnut,strawberry,carrot,raspberry to name a few.

There is also many types of icing
butter cream, fondant,marzipan, modelling chocolate,royal icing, meringue

Then there is also the embellishments
fresh or sugared fruit,flowers,ribbons.

For wedding cakes before singing a contract questions to ask
Cost per slice
Deposit usually 50% when ordered and reminder upon delivery of cake
Date cake will be prepared
The cake decorator usually delivers the cake make sure they have  the date of reception, full address Location where cake is to be displayed and arrival time  of cake
A list of ingredients in case anyone has food allergies
A complete description of the cake, including layers,flavor,fillings,icing & embellishments.
Is delivery extra charge?

Cake traditions
Bride and groom usually take home the top tier of cake and are meant to have it on their 1st anniversary

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