Friday, July 15, 2016

Retirement Parties

                                                                   Retirement Parties

Retirement Partiesare a milestone event. Is to honor  the guest of honor  by letting them know they are appreciated and respercted.
there are two types of retirement parties one by the company that the retire   has worked and one by family and friends
What Magical Productions LLC can offer for services. for company party:
1. Will party take place at work or other location?  If at another location we can help find the venue
2. Does company want invitations sent out ? If so we can help with the invitations
3. Depending where party is to be held will you need a caterer?  We can help find a caterer
4.Help find a cake
5.Help with decorations
6. Is the company providing a group gift or individual gifts?
7. Magical Productions LLC can also provide photography.

Private Retirement  Parties services Magical Productions LLC will provide
1. Find a venue
2. Find a ceterer
3. Find a cake
4. Help with invitations
5. Help with decorations
6.Magical Productions LLC can also provide photography
Call us today to set up a FREE Consultation  719-460-0985 Check out our website for all the services we provide

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