Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ice Cream Social

                                                                            Ice Cream Social

Who doesn't like ice cream? What a better way then to have a get together or even a fundraiser than an ice cream social ?
Let Magical Productions LLC help you plan your next ice cream social. You tell us what your budget is and we will find the venue, and what flavors and what kind of ice cream you want and we will get all the necessary items to make your ice cream social a delicious one.
 here's juat a few samples of  different ways to have ice cream
Rootbeer Floats
Ice Cream Sundaes
Banana Splits
Ice Cream Cones
Bowl of ice cream
Making you hungry for ice cream  give Magical Prodyctions LLC a call today to help you plan your next ice cream social 719-460-0985 check out our website for all the services we provide or call 719-460-0985

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