Tuesday, June 14, 2016



If you need help planning a fundraiser Magical Productions LLC can help even if you have a comittee we can help make sure that everyone know who is in charge of various projects
What we can do
1. Find place to hold fundraiser
    Will it be held inside or outside?
     What time of year are you planning a fundraiser?
     What is the fundraiser for and indiviual or a certain cause?
     How many people are you expecting?
2.  We can also help you find the entertainment, whether it be a dj, or band, or if it is a family fundraiser or adult only will depend on what you will need.
3.   We will also help with the volunteers you will need to help organize the event, also help with any ticket sales
4.   Help with getting the word out by going to Tv and radio stations, social media , flyers
5.   Help create an iternary for the day of event
6.   We can also provide any photography needed
7.    Help with finding any security
8. Help in getting any special permits
9.  Help with finding the right caterer
10 Help with the decorations
Give us a call today so we can  help you reach your fundraiser goal. 719-460-0985 Check out our website www.magicalproductionsllc.com for all services we provide

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