Monday, April 1, 2013


Magical Productions LLC will be hosting a Sock Hop on May 4 fundraiser for Harleys Hope Foundation. If you love animals and would like to advertise your business this is a win-win solution, The cost is ONLY $50.00 for a half page ad and $100.00 for a full page ad in our event booklet. DEADLINE IS APRIL 15 SPECIAL SPONORSHIP AGREEMENT
Know ye all men by these presents that I Anne Kaskewicz of “ Productions LLC”, for & in consideration of the payment in the sum of $_________ (check to be made payable to “Magical Productions LLC” and mailed to Anne Kaskewicz 4103 Browning Ave, Colorado Springs, Co. 80910, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledge, does hereby sell to:
Of: (company name)__________________________________________
The following advertisement (ad) space in the Program Booklet for:
Harley's Hope Foundation Sock Hop and /or 2013 2nd annual New Year's Eve Gala Ball
Sock Hop Saturday May 4, 2013 at the Sons Of Norway, 1045 Ford St.
New Years Eve Gala Ball at THE COLORADO SPRINGS MARRIOTT located at 5580 Tech Center Dr. 80919
_____ $50.00 for a half page ad by April 15. For the Sock Hop. (5.5” x 4.25”, JPG 300dpi)
_____$50.00 for a half page ad by April 15 and also want to pay for 2nd ad by April 15. My total charge is $75.00 for both events. (5.5” x 4.25”, JPG 300dpi)
_____$100.00 for a full page ad by April 15. For the Fundraiser for the Sock Hop. (5.5” x 8.5”, JPG 300dpi)
_____$100.00 for a full page ad by April 15 and also want to pay for 2nd ad by April 15. My total charge is $150.00 for both events. (5.5” x 8.5”, JPG 300dpi)
_____$50.00 for a half page ad by April 29 for the Sock Hop and also want to pay for 2nd ad. My total charge will be $90.00 for both events (5.5” x 4.25”, JPG 300dpi)
_____ $100.00 for a full page ad by April 29 and want to pay for 2nd ad by then so my total charge will be $175.00 for both events. (5.5” x 8.5”, JPG 300dpi)
I hereby warrant that I am the lawful salesperson of said advertisement space and that I have full legal right, power and authority to sell said advertisement space.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the salesperson, have hereto set my hand this date:__________
Anne Kaskewicz (signed) ______________________________

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