Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Next Event with The Letter B

                                                                      Band Night

Band Night could work different ways.
We could do one band only and just make it a dance
Or one band only for a concert
Or what I think would be fun is to have several bands that play different types of music and maybe have a two day event and every band plays for 2 hours each.
This would have to be coordinated very good.
There would be a schedule of what time each band performs
Fans could purchase tickets to only one band or a day passs that they could come and go to listen to different bands.
There are several bands in Colorado Springs with a wide range of music. There would be something for everyone.
Whichever way Magical Productions LLC can help you plan a  day or night full with music to enlighten the soul and dance the night away.
Let Magical Productions LLC help you find the right band to create the atmosphere you would like to create.
Call us at 719-460-0985  or email us at
Check out our website

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